Monday, June 1, 2020

An electrician, power engineer, or electric power engineer will never be out of work

My dear friends, I suggest that you think about this. We all know that we have a virus-virus, crisis-crisis, oil, dollar and all that.

We are being quarantined (almost successfully), school holidays started earlier. And someone is sent to work on the remote. And here the situation is twofold. Those who really work at work, and do not spend time at home, will work productively, at least try. But, they say, there are also employees who took the transfer to the remote site as an additional vacation and are already choosing which TV shows to watch. And there is a chance that during this time, firms and companies will learn to do without such workers and quite continue to work. Possible. Everything, of course, is conditional and everything is different.

But it is quite obvious that once people are sent to sit at home, and mass events are restricted, the services, leisure and entertainment sectors will be the first to suffer. Accordingly, people who work there have an increased risk of becoming unemployed. This is the second set of workers who can suffer economically from the coronavirus.

I think that by the end of the year they will assess the damage caused by all the current outrages, and we will find out who is less popular in the labor market.

And what in this regard shines for people working in the electric power industry? And practically nothing, that is, almost no risks and no changes. Well, if the fool and shit specialist, and without any crises will be expelled. If you are a competent specialist, there will always be work.

Only, it may become more difficult for electricians who search for internal networks and orders on their own. Electricians in factories, in some companies will work as they do.

Those who work for the stable functioning of the UES will not go anywhere at all. Let's say there is a dispatcher. He studied at the Institute for many years, then for a couple of years he was trained on the spot so that he could independently perform his duties. Such an employee can't be replaced quickly and the exact equivalent can't be found. Therefore, it is unlikely that someone will dismiss such a specialist because of the crisis.

That's all I'm saying. This is me for young people who are still deciding what profession to choose. This whole pandemic and economic mess clearly shows what is important and valuable, and what is not. So the electric power industry is a basic industry that is not going anywhere. I already wrote in an article about electric civilization that people can't do without electricity now. Accordingly, there will always be work in the industry.

And more. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who gives us light, heat, water, ensures the functioning of infrastructure and generally makes people's lives better with their work. Thanks!

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